Moto: "În numele sfântului / Taci, s-auzi cum latră / Căţelul pământului / Sub crucea de piatră."

Nimeni nu poate spune altui om ce este adevărat. Adevăr e tot ceea ce există în jurul nostru. Dar fiecare trebuie să-l descopere în felul său propriu.

(Maximus - personaj din romanul „Iulian” de Gore Vidal)


Dragii mei "prieteni" fanatici, psihopaţi şi intoleranţi, sclavi ai prejudecăţilor, beneficiari ai impresionantului IQ egal cu numărul de aur, Proprietari în drept ai Pietrei Filosofale, Ctitori ai Pietrei Unghiulare, Păstrătorii Tainei Cuvântului Incipient şi Deţinători ai Adevărului Absolut, pentru preacu(r)vioşeniile voastre, această admirabilă echipă de la Google, buni cunoscători ai structurii psihopatologice a unei comunităţi, cu anticipaţie au prevăzut în bara de unelte butonul "URMĂTORUL BLOG".

Vă rog să nu vă sfiiţi în a-l utiliza!


marți, 13 noiembrie 2018

METAR data - METeorological Aerodrome Report (tâlmăcire doar pentru mine!)

Metar SCV / LRSV (Suceava) din data de 13 nov. la ora 19.30 UTC (21.30 EET) 

de pe

Raport meteo de pe Flightradar24

Iaca ce-nseamnă

LRSV este codul ICAO al airportului din Suceava

131930Z înseamnă că raportul e din ziua de 13, la ora 19.30 UTC

15012KT înseamnă că vântul e din direcția 150 grade cu tăria de 12 noduri

0600 reprezintă cei 600 de metri vizibilitate orizontală (prevailing visibility)

R34/0800 înseamnă că pe pista 34 vizibilitatea (runway visual range) este de 800 de metri

FG atenționează că este ceață (fog)

BKN 001 înseamnă că cerul este acoperit de nori în proporție de 5/8-7/8 (broken = 5-7 octas), nori având plafonul de bază la altitudinea de 100 de picioare  

02/02 (în grade Celsius) semnifică temperatura locală și temperatura punctului de rouă (dewpoint)

Q1027 traduce presiunea atmosferică la locul aerodromului, exprimată în hPa 

R16/19//95 este „Runway State Group” – informații despre starea pistei și spune că pentru pista de orientare R16 (160 de grade) 1= damp (umed); 9= în procentaj cuprins între 51% și 100%. // semnifică faptul că adâncimea „depozitelor” de pe pistă nu sunt măsurabile, nefiind precizate iar ultimul grup 95 traduce bune condiții de frânare (breaking action: good).

a doua zi dimineață

grupul 250V320 semnalează faptul că vântul de tăria 3 noduri, anterior menționat (28003KT), are o direcție variabilă: dinspre 250 de grade până la 320 de grade.

R34/1000D - traduce că pista cu orientarea 34 are vizibilitatea de 1000 de metri în scădere (decreasing) iar norii sunt de tipul cer acoperit complet (OVC - overcast = 8 oktas, i.e., full cloud coverage) cu plafonul bazei la 200 de picioare înălțime.


Detalii despre datele METAR.
Acest raport poate cuprinde o sumedenie de informații, nu doar informațiile de bază.
Astfel, conform informațiilor prezentate pe

deslușim astfel:

Location The ICAO indicator of the reporting station eg. EGLL

Date/Time of Report The day of the month and the time of the observation in hours and minutes UTC e.g. 191350Z.

AUTO The optional code word AUTO indicates that the report has been generated using data from an automated observing system.

Surface Wind
The mean wind direction in degrees true to the nearest 10 degrees, from which the wind is blowing and the mean wind speed in knots over the 10 minute period immediately preceding the observation 
e.g. 35015KT = 350 degrees true/15 kts; 
VRB05KT = variable/5 kts; 00000 = CALM. 
If gusts exceed the mean wind speed by 10kts or more in the 10 minutes preceding the time of the report, a letter G and 2 more figures are added to indicate the maximum wind speed e.g. 23018G30KT = 230 degrees true/18 kts gusting to a maximum of 30 kts. Reports may express wind speed in metres per second ('MPS) or Kilometres per hour (KPH). Winds greater than 100 kts or more shall be preceded by the letter P and reported as P99KT or P99MPS or P199KPH.

Visibility Reported in a four figure group (e.g. 0400 = 400 metres; 8000 = 8 km) up to but excluding 10 km; 9999 = 10km or more; 0000 = less than 50 metres visibility.

Runway Visual Range (RVR):
  • Aerodromes may include a letter indicator R followed by the runway designator, a"/" and the touchdown zone RVR in metres, e.g. R06/0400. If the RVR is assessed on 2 or more runways simultaneously then the RVR group will be repeated.
  • Parallel runways will have L, C, or R added to the runway designator e.g. R24L/1100.
  • If the RVR is greater than the maximum value that can be measured, P will precede this value e.g. R24L/P1500.
  • If the RVR is less than the minimum value that can be measured , M will precede this value e.g. R24L/M0050.
  • If RVR trends can be measured then U, D, or N will follow the RVR value to indicate increasing, decreasing or no change respectively.
Weather Weather is indicated by up to 3 groups comprising symbols and letters from the following: 
- = slight
+ = Heavy
BC = Patches
BL = Blowing
BR = Mist
DR = Low Drifting
DS = Dust Storm
DU = Widespread Dust
DZ = Drizzle
FG = Fog
FC = Funnel Cloud (e.g. Tornado)
FU = Smoke
FZ = Freezing
GR = Hail
GS = Small Hail
HZ = Haze
IC = Ice Crystals
MI = Shallow
PL = Ice Pellets
PO = Dust Devils
RA = Rain
SA = Sand
SG = Snow Grains
SH = Shower
SN = Snow
SQ = Squall
SS = Sandstorm
TS = Thunderstorm
VA = Volcanic Ash
VC = In the vicinity (nearby)
UP = Unidentified Precipitation
RE = Recent

e.g - FZDZ = Slight Freezing Drizzle; + SHRASN = Heavy Shower of Rain and Snow; REUP = Recent Unidentified Precipitation.
Cloud: Cloud amount is reported as FEW = few (1-2 oktas), SCT = scattered (3-4 oktas), BKN = broken (5-7 oktas) or OVC = overcast (8 oktas), followed by the height of the cloud base in hundreds of feet above aerodrome elevation e.g. SCT018 = scattered clouds at 1800 ft. Note that in area and route forecasts, heights are AMSL or standard pressure altitudes.
Selection of cloud layers reported is made as follows:
  • The lowest Layer;
  • The next lowest layer of SCT or more;
  • The next higher layer of BKN or more;
  • Significant convective cloud (CB or TCU) if not already reported.
Sky obscured is given as VV followed by the vertical visibility in hundreds of feet. When the vertical visibility has not been measured, the group will be VV///
When there are no clouds of operational significance to report, no CB or TCU and CAVOK is not appropriate, the abbreviation NSC (No Significant Cloud) is used.
CAVOK The Visibility, Cloud, and Weather groups are replaved by the term CAVOK (cloud and visibility OK) when the following conditions exist simultaneously:
  • Visibility is 10km or more
  • No CB or TCU and no cloud below 5000 feet or Minimum Sector Altitude (whichever is the greater)
  • No significant weather at or in the vicinity of the aerodrome.
Temperature Air temperature and dewpoint are reported in whole degrees Celsius, e.g. 10/07 = Temperature 10°C/ Dew point 7°C.

QNH QNH is stated to the nearest whole hectopascal (equivalent to a millibar) rounded down and preceded by the letter Q e.g. Q1013 = QNH 1013 Hectopascals.

Recent Weather Significant recent weather observed in the period since the last routine observation will be reported by using the code letters for weather preceded by the letters RE e.g. RETS = Recent Thunderstorms.

Wind Shear In a METAR, civil aerodromes may include wind shear if reported along the take off or approach paths in the lowest 1600 ft with reference to the runway. WS is used to begin the group, e.g. WS TKOF RWY20. If the wind shear is affecting all runways, WS ALL RWY is reported.

Aerodrome Colour State UK military and USAFE aerodromes will include the abbreviated colour state at the end of the message and ad the forecast colour state after the TREND.

Runway State Group (RSG) An 8-figure group which may be added to METAR from civil aerodromes.
  • Runway designator (first two digits)
27 = Rwy 27 or 27L
77 = Rwy 27R (50 added to the designator for "right" runway)
88 = All runways
99 = repetition of the last message as no new information received.
  • Runway Deposits (third digit)
0 = Clear and dry
1 = Damp
2 = Wet or water patches
3 = Rime or frost covered (depth normally less than 1mm)
4 = Dry snow
5 = Wet snow
6 = Slush
7 = Ice
8 = compacted or rolled snow
9 = frozen ruts or ridges
/ = type of deposit not reported (e.g. due to rwy clearance in progress)
  • Extent of runway contamination (fourth digit)
1 = 10% or less
2 = 11% to 25%
5 = 26% to 50%
9 = 51% to 100%
/ = not reported (e.g. due to rwy clearance in progress)
  • Depth of Deposit
the quoted depth is the mean of a number of readings or, if operationally significant, the greatest depth measured.
00 = less than 1mm
01 = 1mm etc
90 = 90mm
91 = not used
92 = 10cm
93 = 15cm
94 = 20cm
95 = 25cm
96 = 30cm
97 = 35cm
98 = 40cm or more
99 = Rwy(s) non-operational due to snow, slush, ice, large drifts or runway clearance, but depth not reported.
// = depth of deposit operationally not significant or measurable.
  • Friction Coefficient or Braking Action (seventh and eighth digits)
The mean value is transmitted or, if operationally significant, the lowest value, e.g.:
28 = friction coefficient 0.28
38 = friction coefficient 0.38
91 = Braking action: Poor
92 = Braking action: Medium/Poor
93 = Braking action: Medium
94 = Braking action: Medium/Good
95 = Braking action: Good
99 = Figures unreliable (e.g. if equipment has been used which does not measure satisfactorily in slush or snow.)
// = Braking action not reported (e.g. runway not operational; aerodrome closed; etc.)

Note: If contamination conditions cease to exist, the abbreviation CLRD is used, e.g.
24CLRD93 = Rwy 24 cleared; Braking action: Medium/Good
88CLRD95 = All rwys cleared; Braking Action: Good

TREND TREND forecasts are indicated by BECMG (Becoming) or TEMPO (temporary) which may be followed by a time group (hours and minutes UTC) preceded by one of the letter indicated FM (from), TL (until), AT (at)
e.g. BECMG FM1030 TL1130

NOSIG replaces the TREND group when no significant changes are forecast to occur during the 2 hour forecast period.
To indicate the end of significant weather the abbreviation NSW,,, (No Significant Weather) is used.
Only those elements for which a significant change is expected should be included in a TREND.


 Explicații de pe Wiki

International METAR codes
The following is an example METAR from Burgas Airport in Burgas, Bulgaria. It was taken on 4 February 2005 at 16:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
METAR LBBG 041600Z 12012MPS 090V150 1400 R04/P1500N R22/P1500U +SN BKN022 OVC050 M04/M07 Q1020 NOSIG 8849//91=
  • METAR indicates that the following is a standard hourly observation.
  • LBBG is the ICAO airport code for Burgas Airport.
  • 041600Z indicates the time of the observation. It is the day of the month (04) followed by the time of day (1600 Zulu time, which equals 4:00 pm Greenwich Mean Time or 6:00 pm local time).
  • 12012MPS indicates the wind direction is from 120° (east-southeast) at a speed of 12 m/s (23 knots; 27 mph; 44 km/h). Speed measurements can be in knots (abbreviated KT) or meters per second (abbreviated MPS).
  • 090V150 indicates the wind direction is varying from 90° true (east) to 150° true (south-southeast).
  • 1400 indicates the prevailing visibility is 1,400 m (4,600 ft).
  • R04/P1500N indicates the Runway Visual Range (RVR) along runway 04 is 1,500 m (4,900 ft) and not changing significantly.
  • R22/P1500U indicates RVR along runway 22 is 1,500 m (4,900 ft) and rising.
  • +SN indicates snow is falling at a heavy intensity. If any precipitation begins with a minus or plus (-/+), it's either light or heavy.
  • BKN022 indicates a broken (over half the sky) cloud layer with its base at 2,200 ft (670 m) above ground level (AGL). The lowest "BKN" or "OVC" layer specifies the cloud ceiling.
  • OVC050 indicates an unbroken cloud layer (overcast) with its base at 5,000 ft (1,500 m) above ground level (AGL).
  • M04/M07 indicates the temperature is −4 °C (25 °F) and the dew point is −7 °C (19 °F). An M in front of the number indicates that the temperature/dew point is below zero Celsius.
  • Q1020 indicates the current altimeter setting (in QNH) is 1,020 hPa (30.12 inHg).
  • NOSIG is an example of a TREND forecast which is appended to METARs at stations while a forecaster is on watch. NOSIG means that no significant change is expected to the reported conditions within the next 2 hours.
  • 8849//91 indicates the condition of the runway:
    • 88 indicates either a specific runway (e.g. 25 = Rwy 25 or 25L; adding 50 will indicate Right Runway) or all the airport's runways ("88").
    • 99 indicates repetition of the last message as no new information received.
Some locations will report the runway using 3 characters (e.g. 25L)·          
    • 4 means the runway is coated with dry snow
    • 9 means 51% to 100% of the runway is covered
    • // means the thickness of the coating was either not measurable or not affecting usage of the runway
    • 91 means the braking index is bad, in other words the tires have bad grip on the runway
  • CAVOK is an abbreviation for Ceiling And Visibility OK, indicating no cloud below 5,000 ft (1,500 m) or the highest minimum sector altitude and no cumulonimbus or towering cumulus at any level, a visibility of 10 km (6 mi) or more and no significant weather change.
= indicates the end of the METAR

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