Fly Dubai Flight FZ1796, București- Dubai a avut 2 decolări și 2 aterizări de urgență efectuate pe OTP în data de 31 dec. 2019.
sursa știrii: Evenimentul Zilei
Consultând arhiva Flightradar 24, se confirmă doar parțial știrea:
Boeing 737-8KN, reg. nr. A6-FGE apare cu 2 aterizări de urgență pe Otopeni, dar nu ambele în seara zilei de 31 decembrie, ci una pe 30 decembrie și alta pe 31 decembrie.
Iar cea mai lungă perioadă „airborne”, dintre cele 2 menționate în articolul gazetarilor în stare de ebrietate de la EvZilei, nu este cea de-a doua, ci este prima, cea din seara zilei de 30 decembrie.
30 decembrie - 42 minute airborne între 22.13 și 22.55
31 decembrie - 27 de minute airborne între 19.40 și 20.07
Revenirea pe Otopeni din seara zilei de 31 decembrie 2019 - orele 19.24 - 20.12 UTC
arhiva LROP/Tower/Approach/Radar dec 31 2019 19.30 - 20.00 UTC
minutele din fișierul arhivă MP3 reprezintă minutele de după ora 19.30 UTC
Tower/Approach în left stereo channel
(convorbirile pe timpul taxi le efectuează first-officer care este ... o duoamnă)
Approach: left-left head 090
(comunicațiile sunt asigurate de căpitan, deci PIC este first-officer.
Slangul aeronautic al căpitanului uneori este de-a dreptul neinteligibil)
Approach: Proceed direct to RIXEN
FZ1796: Proceed direct to Rixen and we left to stop climbing at flight level 150 for the moment
App: Contact Bucharest radar 121.180
FZ1796 Stand by. We are expressing ... problem.
... we are... just surrounding the checklist and we probably need return to Bucharest
We will apreciate to maintain in this area fligt level 150
Approach: turn left head 010
FZ1796: We request return to Bucharest and for descending just request maintain in this area to complete checklist
App: Ok! So you don't require priority for landing, correct?
FZ1796: That is correct. Not priority to land and we just require assistance of fire brigade at touchdown just in case
App: Services firebrigade at touchdown; for the moment turn left heading 340 and call me ready to descend
FZ1796: 340 and we can starting descend right now.
App: Descend to FL60, ... 340
FZ1796: Roger. Descend FL60 on heading 340
(un alt avion aflat la aterizare - Fly Dubai (FDB9SP, reg. nr. A6-FEP) primește „reclear” de pe 26R (anterior fusese anunțat pe 26L)
App: 30 ( = 3.000 picioare) is enough for you?
FZ1796: We need bit more
App: Roger
Approach: Turn left heading 210
FZ1796: Left heading 210
App: Continue to descend 2500 feet QNH 1020
FZ1796: 2500 QNH 1020
Approach: 25 trackmast to touchdown. Are OK for you?
FDB9SP: Yea! OK!
App: The message was for skydubai1796
FZ1796: Affirmative. It's OK.
App: Turn right heading 230 to intercept cleared ILS approach Rwy 26L
FZ1796: Heading 230 to intercept cleared ILS 26L
Approach: Can you tell me the nature of technical problem you have?
FZ1796: Yes. It's... leading edge slats delayed problem.
arhiva LROP/Tower/Approach/Radar dec 31 2019 20.00 - 20.30 UTC
01.07 (comunicații asigurate de primul-ofițer, deci căpitanul preluase controlul aeronavei)
FZ1796: (cu o voce stinsă)
Estabilized on ILS 26L
App: Continue ILS approach. I'll call you for handover in two minutes.
FZ1796: Continue on ILS approach.
Approach: Contact Otopeni Tower 118.805
FZ1796: 118.805
(opărită de tot)
FZ1796: On the ILS Rwy 26L
Tower: Otopeni Tower, wind 250, 5 knots, Rwy 26L cleared to land
FZ1796: Rwy 26L cleared to land
Tower: indicații after landing, ”Golf” taxiway și frecvența Ground 121.855
(în comunicații mai apare și Wizzair WZZ6VS de la Santander la București care sesizând faptul că 26L va fi blocată pentru mult timp solicită posibilitatea de a ateriza pe 26R)
conform FLIGHTRADAR24 prima decolare și revenire pe Otopeni a fost cea din data de 30 decembrie 2019, cu aceeași aeronavă A6-FGE, FDB19K cu callsign „skydubai one niner kilo”
(Skydubai fiind callsign-ul celor de la Flydubai)
App: You delight proceed direct to Rixen or to stand in area?
FDB19K: We continue on the departure for the moment
App: proceed direct to RIXEN
App: 1 minut ahead to hand you over to the next sector. You delight continue to the RIXEN?
FDB19K: Negativ. It looks like we have to come back to Bucharest
App: Roger. In that case turn left on heading 050...
FDB19K: Left head 050 and we are able at this time
App: Are you declaring emergency?
FDB19K: Negativ
App: Descent flight level 60 and expect vectors ILS 26L
FDB19K: Okay
FDB19K: Request to hold over IDARU than the problem shooting is
App: In that case proceed to IDARU and I would prefer to keep you eye in vectors site that not the problem for you ahead some inbound traffic arriving for 26L
FDB19K: No problem. Understand vectors and proceding inbound to IDARU
App: You may proceed to IDARU and I'll vector you when you get to the point
FDB19K: Copy!
App: Turn left heading 350
FDB19K: Left heading 350
FDB19K: Left heading 170
FDB19K: (cu vădită tulburare în voce)
We are now ready for descend and approach to Bucharest
App: Descend to FL70 and able turn right on heading 350.
FDB19K: Descend to 70 and... aaa... right heading 350
App: You are declare anything at the moment?
FDB19K: We will require some assistance from the ground like precautionary in landing with flaps 16 overweight
App: Roger and could be more specific about the assistance what you do be meeting at point landing?
FDB19K: Fire alert rescue services would be apreciated or firefight brigade services
App. Roger
App: Advise if you [beneding = benefiting] a longer final before the true land?
FDB19K: Affirmative!
App. Roger ma'am.
App: Advice if you ready for approach runway 26L or do you need more time to burn the fuel?
FDB19K: Roger. We are to high so we need continue as radar vectors as could later descend to be
FDB19K: Roger. Runway 26 left.
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