Moto: "În numele sfântului / Taci, s-auzi cum latră / Căţelul pământului / Sub crucea de piatră."

Nimeni nu poate spune altui om ce este adevărat. Adevăr e tot ceea ce există în jurul nostru. Dar fiecare trebuie să-l descopere în felul său propriu.

(Maximus - personaj din romanul „Iulian” de Gore Vidal)


Dragii mei "prieteni" fanatici, psihopaţi şi intoleranţi, sclavi ai prejudecăţilor, beneficiari ai impresionantului IQ egal cu numărul de aur, Proprietari în drept ai Pietrei Filosofale, Ctitori ai Pietrei Unghiulare, Păstrătorii Tainei Cuvântului Incipient şi Deţinători ai Adevărului Absolut, pentru preacu(r)vioşeniile voastre, această admirabilă echipă de la Google, buni cunoscători ai structurii psihopatologice a unei comunităţi, cu anticipaţie au prevăzut în bara de unelte butonul "URMĂTORUL BLOG".

Vă rog să nu vă sfiiţi în a-l utiliza!


joi, 16 ianuarie 2020

The success of halberd and robbery journalism

 simon hradecky (avherald) - the Austrian profiteer & liar


1st e-mail to the avherald editor

Shame on you, Mr. Simon Hradecky!

I just warned you in a comment posted under the usernames Edelweiss  that your stupid comment moderation policy it has the effect of deleting relevant opinions, some valid analyzes, which will subsequently be confirmed by newly released information.

It has hurt you in the ass by the obligation of professionalism that you owe to the readers  of your site.

Today, I was watching the video released by New York Times and I had THE THIRD confirmation of the fairness and veracity of my comments, censored by your halberd too much zealous.

I posted a concatenated comment * in which I mentioned the excellence of an article posted on the ”medium”website, an article entitled ”Tor, Iran, and Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752”
Without taking copyrighted content I have presented the summary of the exceptional article and then I proposed another approach:
That where the rocket launch site is not the site proposed by the author, but the second location, the pentagonal one, located approximately 7 miles northwest of the first strike site.
And I appreciated that the first missile was launched from the maximum limit of the TOR-M1 range.

And I also appreciated that it took the rocket about 18 seconds to hit the target.

Today I watch the video excerpt published by The New York Times and and I feel like I'm hitting you in the head, you idiot, for that comment that you deleted from the page: 18 seconds first rocket. Exactly as I stated in the deleted comment

Dude, through your censorship zeal, you insulted the readers of your site taking away the privilege of receiving exceptional information for the first time.

I was the FIRST to state the thesis that the first shoot was given from 7.5 miles in the northwest, and not from 5 miles.
You had the information posted exclusively on the site and you deleted it as an DUMB OX.

This was the third time [when] my analysis was confirmed  by further information.

The second time was on the evening of January 10, when, after 2 nights of intense searches on Google Earth, searches performed on a radius equal to Tor-M1 range around the last position of the ADB-S,

”Interesting” sites on the Google Earth
By Edelweiss on Friday, Jan 10th 2020 23:28Z

2 ”interesting” sites at 3.6 - 5.4 miles northwest of the presumed position of the hitted airplane in video no. 2
Google Earth:
35°33'43.96"N 50°53'55.54"E
35°35'21.24"N 50°53'33.82"E
The second landmark is more than interesting with the access gate, the guardrails along the fences, the fighting technique visible in different points but especially in the back, where there are those excavated sites and those underground access gates.
Military objectives within the range of SAM Tor-M1 - 7.5 nm = 12 km.
Towards ... the northwest of ”estimated area of impact”.

So, for the first time, one day before the "GREAT JOURNALISTS OF INVESTIGATION AWARDED" (Christo Grozev), I posted the presumptive locations from which the missiles could have been launched.
I even underlined the attractiveness of the site from the second set of coordinates.

This was on January 10th. at 23.28.
The next day, at noon, the great investigative journalist Grozev is warned on FB about the existence of these sites.
The big prize winner rectifies the error of location of the launching place.
And he don't forget to do exactly what other successful journalists do: to delete the comments of those 2 warnings, so that the paternity and the author of the idea be lost.

This second point end with the underlining the exclusivity and the analytical premiere of the discovery of the rocket launch site.

Exclusivity that I have delivered for free on your site providing a open source for a lot of other "visionary" investigative journalists.

And the first time when I was exactly on the circumstantial key of the events it was on the days of January 9 and 10, when you wrote all kinds of useless nonsense on the site and comments.

Then I was the only one on the site that brought to attention other circumstantial and psychological aspects  that together led to the onset of this tragedy.
I was the only one who brought to the attention the essential psychological aspect of the air defense forces, which were in a state of mintal arousal, stress, dread, panic and anguish at the imminence of a counterattack.
I was the only one to discuss the shortened trajectory by which the Tehran ATController steered the aircraft to departure.

All these circumstances were completely found on January 11 in The Statement of General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces.
On January 11, also in a comment posted on your site infection I summarized the striking similarities between the opinions expressed by me in previous days and the official statement of the Iranian forces. 

„Without contesting the doubtful evidences of this case (the rocket guiding cone or the inlet / outlet holes in the vertical stabilizer), yesterday I tried to discuss other objective / subjective elements that can complement the cumulative circumstances that led to this tragedy.

”This shortcut procedure, combined with the state of arousal, fatigue and stress accumulated in the evening of January 7 and the night between January 7 and 8, can create the factual and psychological context that led to this catastrophe?”

„So unfortunate error of (probably) tower controller to admit the turn to the right too early it may be a secondary but essential circumstance of this aviation tragedy.

Look over what area the aircraft was redirected too fast?
Over that area full of military units and military objectives.
Military objectives whose personnel were already after a night of stress, fatigue and anguish of an imminent attack.”

„I remember the words of NTSB investigator Greg Feith: never an aircrash is caused by a single cause. There is always a combination of circumstances that trigger the tragedy.” 

uncensored comment fragment (for compliance)

The Statement of IAF confirmed the factual and psychological ensemble that led to this tragedy.”

for comparison: 

”1- Following the threats made by the president and military commanders of the criminal United States to target many positions inside the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran in case of a reciprocal operation [by Iran], and considering the unprecedented increase in aerial moves in the region, the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran WERE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF STANDBY IN ORDER TO  [BE ABLE TO] RESPOND TO POSSIBLE THREATS.

2- In early hours after the missile attack [on US’ Ain al-Assad base in Iraq], the military flights of the US’ terrorist forces had increased around the country. The Iranian defence units received news of witnessing flying targets moving towards Iran’s strategic centres, and then several targets were observed in some [Iranian] radars, which INCITED FURTHER SENSITIVITY AT THE AIR DEFENCE UNITS.

3- Under such SENSITIVE AND CRITICAL CIRCUMSTANBCES, the Ukrainian airline’s Flight PS752 took off from Imam Khomeini Airport, and when turning around, it approached a sensitive military site of the IRGC, TAKING THE SHAPE AND ALTITUDE OF A HOSTILE TARGET. In such conditions, due to human error and in an unintentional move, the airplane was hit [by the Air Defence], which caused the martyrdom of a number of our compatriots and the deaths of several foreign nationals.


uncensored comment fragment (for compliance)

Obviously you again highlighted your vocation of cattle and you also deleted this comment.

So you censored and banned the one who was:

1. exactly on the key regarding the sensitive and psychological circumstances of the air defense.
2. exactly on the key of identifying the launch site
3. exactly on the key of the dynamics of the first rocket hit (time, distance, place)

And instead of the end, I'm puzzled by your bizarre behavior:
a) or you are an irretrievable fool, unable to sense analytical value and flawless intuition
b) or you are a scoundrel which builds their investigative journalist career by keeping an eye on anonymous sites and censoring the opinions and analysis of some valuable commentators?

That is the consecrated way to win awards for investigative journalism?
With the halberd of censorship and the theft of the precious ideas stated in the comments section?

You're a jerk, hradecky!


Of course, the response of the OX from the avherald  avoids the doubtful records and focuses exclusively on the specificity of its site. A site for virgins, monks  and little girls, a site for fine arts and good manners.

Simon Hradecky

13:02 (acum 6 ore)

către eu

thanks for your feedback!

If you want to be taken seriously, you'd need to learn a lot, in particular
manners and courtesy, group dynamics, sensitivities of peoples and cultures
and much more. You'd better not behave like an elephant in the china shop or
like a three year old (like this your feedback and a good number of your
posts demonstrate). Abuse, Offenses, Agression, Name calling and Flooding the
board with messages are definitely not tools making other people accept you
as a valuable member of a community or valuable contributor to our site.

Your posts triggered numerous complaints by other readers and violated the
rules under which reader comments may be posted. Those posts, that did not
violate the rules, are still online.

There is nothing more to write. Unless you show seriously improved behaviour,
you are not welcomed on The Aviation Herald (and this is a legal restraining
order to visit our site).

Kind regards
Simon Hradecky
The Aviation Herald

hradecky's response


Yeah, the show must go on!

re-response (2nd e-mail)

Be nice, stalker of my blog by an IP from Salzburg Austria, and please tell me exactly how the comment below violates the rules of your site of virgins, monks  and little girls!
The textual content is the one posted, to which I added a few photos to get your mind buzzing about what the censored thing was.

YOU STUPID OX, you had on the page the exclusivity of the real dynamics of the first rocket hit, the time needed to hit the target and the actual rocket launch location!

Watch this video released AFTER my comment deleted by a dude!
You measure the first missile time to reach the target!
18 seconds, moron!


But, no, you deleted, because your site is not focused on aeronautics but is a site of fine arts and good manners.

My indignation is justified, no matter how hard you try to hide the garbage under the mat.

You’re a SHIT.
A uppish shit with eyes.

Not to see you access my blog in any way!
Your IP is entered in the lock list.

Stinking shit!
[note: in red Arial font, comment aberrantly censored by the Austrian bastard]

”Tor, Iran, and Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752”

a) An exceptional analysis of what happened, on a site called "medium" (I can not post the link because it leaves me blank the admin of the page)

The title of the article  ”Tor, Iran, and Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752”

In that analysis, extremely technical, but also integrating credible psychological elements, the author considers the launch site to be the first site, the quadrilateral, the one from the coordinates 35°33'43.96 "N 50°53'55.54" E.

Based on the rocket speed diagrams developed by the Russian manufacturer  the author concludes that the first missile took 12 seconds to hit the target and the second one about 8 seconds.

The author also concludes that the tactics of the Iranian anti-aircraft forces were ”shoot - look - shoot”.

Let's just admit that time 02:44:57Z is the time of the first blow.
Minus 12 seconds results 02:44:45Z.

Fast we run on the PS752 granular data let's see what’s  the attitude of the plane when the launch button was pressed:
2020-01-08 02:44:45Z.476,0x508377,35.48007,50.96666,7350,5510,276,313
2020-01-08 02:44:45Z.498,0x508377,35.4796,50.96727,7325,5510,276,313

The first rocket was launched at the latest when the aircraft was already vectored to the right.

The legitimate question is: how long was the target monitored by the Tor installation as a presumed enemy?
The Tehran Tower Controller is still free?

b) Things get even more interesting if we consider the second site as the site of the Tor system: 35°35'21.24"N 50°53'33.82"E
interesting sites, within the range of Tor-M1

 site 1

site 2

site 2 zoom +

In this presumptive situation, the first missile was launched from a distance equal to the maximum range of the Tor-M1 system: 7.5 miles (12km).


Based on the same speed charts, we can recalculate and assume somewhere at 18 seconds the time required for the first missile to hit the target.
One hit at the upper limit of the system: 7.5 miles.

Again run at PS752 granular data.
02: 44: 57Z minus 18 sec = 02:44:39Z

2020-01-08 02:44:39Z.606,0x508377,35.47453,50.97404,7075,5510,275,309

14 seconds after the last heading 289.

And in this case I repeat:
The OIIE Tower controller on January 8, 2020 is still free?
Hasn't he been arrested yet?

And in the latter case, the Iranian anti-aircraft tactic may have been "shoot - shoot - look" but that's another story.

IMHO the moment when the Ukrainian aircraft started to look like a potential target is the moment 02.44.15 – 02.44.17, time frame at which begins the vectorization of the aircraft to the right, at the head towards PAROT waypoint.

Also in my personal opinion I think that this premature vectorization at an altitude of 5900 - 6025 feet by barometric altimeter,  below the level specified in the IKA radar departure chart - 7000 ft, is the element that triggered the automatic target selection system on the Tor-M1 system involved in the tragedy.

And instead of ending, a strange coincidence:
drawing a line between the launch point proposed by me and the place of the last ADS-B transmission (rationally supposed to be the place of the first hit, it overlaps exactly above the maximum altitude of the mountain heights which obstructs direct visibility to the Tehran Airport: 1396 m.
1396 m means 4583 feet above sea level.

(the bizarre line between the presumed launch location and the place of the first hit at the maximum Tor system limit, as well as that dominant height exactly on the given line)

The military in the anti-aircraft defense were notified by the automatic system that exactly on the trajectory towards them an aircraft having a speed of 275 knots and an altitude of a few hundred meters above the ground.

Those from the anti-aircraft forces were almost  blind and the PS752  had the misfortune to appear as from the ”hiding place”, and the second misfortune to be vectored to the right in a premature manner and having a very slow climbing path.

(image source: article from

If we add the status of those of the AA forces, of arousal, fatigue, anguish to an imminent attack we have the complete ensemble of that accumulation of causal circumstances that produced this tragic event.

for compliance:

the new video published on January 14, 2020, shared by The New York Times

Not to feel the need to shoot a few punches at the Austrian fag's fool head?

Truthful information and analysis, which I had posted in the comments section of his site of brides, nuns and virgins, 3 days before the appearance of this new video, have been deleted by this Austrian faggot just for the stupid reason that other comments writed by the same commentator have disturb the sensibilities of the Austrian bearded ladies who make up the avherald community.

I would putting my dick in your throat fucking fagot, I would puttting my dick in the shit rules of your miserable site and I would putting my dick in your fancy community of scoundrels and hypocrites!!

Look at them - the queer!

On a site with a "crash investigations" theme, they dance minuet in medieval costumes of sodomite jesters and teach each other good manners, geography, calligraphy, loom and fine arts.


All that matters is their hypocritical dance of society and their caring reverences.

What this snooty pederast did is like a ragged beggar, not eaten for a month and famished like a locust, refuses a $ 100 mercy because the banknote received does not smell Channel 5 and the Samaritan didn't bow to the ground in front of the filthy cadger.
Stupid mind like an Austrian bearded woman.


LE 1: 

And other readers of that maidenly girl site (avherald) unequivocally express their indignation  over the hypocritical duplicity of the Austrian faggot.
That exceptional Iranian who gave the publicity record of the rocket hit was arrested by the Iranian authorities.

hradecky hurts his ass about the one whose extraordinary courage allows the Austrian bastard to make the big dick.

Of course that Austrian yelper also deleted this comment !!!



LE 2:

This this infatuated figurehead is an ordinary thief.
On his website he added a stolen image which he claims to have from AFP.
He stole the image from another site, not from AFP.


 author's note

To be more explicit about this post:

I brought to public attention the despotic behavior of that tyrant from the avherald site not from vain desire to gain fame or to acquire some illusory merits.
It is good that different people, through different methods of analysis, have reached the same end result.

But, by my posting, I intended to let known to the aeronautics enthusiasts community, the followers of Flightradar or the listeners of ATC's the fact that somewhere on a site called "The Aviation Herald", a worthy countryman  of Adolf Schicklgruber continues his totalitarian manner of action and behavior.

In the large world of the aeronautics, journalistic investigations community,  is a big stain of shame: simon hradecky from avherald.

For him, the famous Avherald site it is nothing more than a personal toy of an individual with serious psycho-paranoid deviations, who applies the rules set according to his whims, with a chaotic and arbitrary style.
To mask the mediocrity in which that site struggles hradecky appeals to the two consecrated medodes: halberd and theft.

Without any reason and without hesitation he cut any valuable comment but do not forget to acquire the valuable idea / opinion, mentioning it at the top of the page, through successive updates, in its article more than modest as initial value.

This mediocre s.h. stays on the shoulders of the commentators, exploits their data and information resulting from the comments, and then appropriates them as being reasonably elaborated by himself. Not to mention any reference to the paternity or the author of the idea.

e.g. post on his site a lot of images whose source does not mention it.

Simply he browses different websites, blogs, FB or Twitter accounts etc. and where he finds something interesting, he copies the image by dragging it on the desktop, renames it and then posts it as his own intellectual contribution

He randomly posted 2 different images of the vertical stabilizer. He are so mediocre  in the field of investigative journalism that he didn't even realize that the two images are the  vertical stabilizer, viewed from opposite sides.

on the avherald site image no. 2 named: uia_b738_ur-psr_tehran_200108_2
 on the avherald site the image no. 9 called: uia_b738_ur-psr_tehran_200108_9
It had to warn him a commentator on this spectacular thing.

For compliance, the warrning comment:

Tail fin was moved?
By JP on Friday, Jan 10th 2020 12:04Z

See pictures of the a/c tail debris, it was moved.
check hole on the second debris photo, above yellow logo.
Shrapnel (or something else) penetrates the tail.

Now go to the last 2 photos (before the map), you will see the same hole as the "shrapnel" gets out precisely on the same location... 
What was this?

”JP” - an enthisiastic but naive commentator

Obviously, the Austrian profiteer immediately updated the textual content of the article, but without even mentioning a reference to that enthusiastic and disinterested commentator.

For compliance the update brought to the background article:

„On Jan 9th 2020 at 21:40Z, and after the discovery of the video confirming the already suspected shoot down by a missile, at 22:07Z The Aviation Herald sent two inquiries to Iran's AIB followed by another one on Jan 10th 2020 at 12:36Z, in which The Aviation Herald confronted the AIB with the videos and three photos, we had published up until Jan 9th 2020, see the photos below now marked with reference to the vertical tail, and pointed out to the AIB, that apart from the charred left side of the vertical fin there was a large exit hole on the left side and a corresponding entry hole at the right side arguing some object had penetrated in a nearly right angle to the surface. This object was impossible to have been any part of the aircraft, and given the movement of the aircraft debris after ground impact it was also impossible to be an object from the ground, hence these photos prove external influence. The photos of the vertical tail on its right side were added to our coverage on Jan 9th 2020 16:30Z.”

a openly theft

Does something say about the ”JP” commenter?
From the styling of the writing of the update it sounds as if the discovery would be the exclusive contribution of this brilliant profiteer s.h.

And that's not all.

Sensing the value of the information stolen from the JP user, the Austrian profiteer endeavors to develop it.
And post immediately after the image of the vertical stabilizer viewed from the left, (uia_b738_ur-psr_tehran_200108_9) another zoomed image (uia_b738_ur-psr_tehran_200108_9a)

  on the avherald site the image called uia_b738_ur-psr_tehran_200108_9a

As the source of both images, the Austrian thief mentions AFP.

But, AFP can be mentioned as a source only for image no. 9.

Finally, let's mention  the double measure by which the dictator of the aviation herald site applies comment moderation policy.

a) for those who state real circumstantial details, who without a doubt affirm the mistake of the Iranians, hradecky's halberd is extremely sharp and  falls over the comments without mercy. This draconian attitude manifests itself even after the press conference of the IAF Staff.

b) there was no sanction against those who asserted, through repetitive comments and through different allegations, a possible guilt of the Ukrainian crew.
From this duplicitous attitude we can understand that hradecky has a clandestine mission to accomplish.

In concluding this statement of reasons, I reiterate the general thesis  of this public hearing: somewhere, in the wonderful world of aeronautics and specialist investigations, there is a villain who embarrasses the entire community: simon hradecky from The Aviation Herald.


LE 3
The undoubted proof of S.H.’s unprofessionalism and dilettantism.

 e-mail 4


In the Persian language report of Iran AIB its written

راداري از خلبان مي خواهد تا به  سطح پروازي FL260اوجگيرينمايد.كنترلر از خلبان مي

خواهد پس از عبوراز ارتفاع 4111پايي ضمن گردش به راست  ،مستقيم به سمت نقطه PAROTكه در 71مايلي شمال غرب فرودگاه مهرآباد ادامه مسير داده و خلبان نيز آن را بازخواني نموده است.ازساعت

A simple translation into Google translator gives the following result:

„Radar asks the pilot to rise to FL260 flight level.
After crossing 4111 feet, turn right, heading straight to PAROT point, which is 71 miles northwest of Mehrabad Airport and the pilot has read it.” [repeat it]

What  update brings to his article this manipulative wrecker from avherald?

a manipulative ox 

”…the aircraft was handed off to Tehran Mehrabad Radar who cleared the flight to climb to FL260. After climbing through 6000 feet Mehrabad radar instructed the flight to turn right straight to a waypoint (not decipherable, translates to Mehrabad but does not make any sense).”

”Climbing through 6000 ft” instead of ”after crossing 4111 ft”.

”straight to a waypoint (not decipherable, translates to Mehrabad but does not make any sense)” 
instead  of
”heading straight to PAROT point, which is 71 miles northwest of Mehrabad Airport”

In these conditions of information manipulation, can avherald still be regarded as a credible source of information?

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